No Regrets

Go back in time

Do things differently

Make better decisions

How do you feel?

Is it the first step towards taking control?

Are you satisfied?

But all this isn’t possible, is it?

All of us live today dwelling on the mistakes of yesterday

The itch in your craw

Relentless, am I right?

Live everyday like it’s a new day


Reminisce about yesterday

Think about your mistakes

Don’t regret them

My friend, you’re privileged

You’re still standing on your two feet

You’re a warrior

Don’t let something you did strip you of everything that you are

My friend

Mistakes are like surprise tests

You’re unprepared and you’re caught off guard

Happens to the best of us

But never regret your mistakes


Because if you didn’t know what a mistake was

You wouldn’t know what it was to fall and get back on your feet,

Hold your head up high

And say – I’m sorry.

Love Yourself

Lock yourself in a pitch dark room

Keep your eyes open, don’t blink

Make sure you aren’t able to hear anything, anything

All you can see is darkness, how ironic

How do you feel?

Are you afraid of the dark?

Do you feel your heart beat a million times faster?


Is that darkness your paradise?

Is that the safest you’ve ever felt?

It’s all a matter of perspective my friend

All of us see things differently and our preferences differ

Some of us are more intellectual than the others

Some of us are more intelligent than the others

But at the end of the day

Whether you have an IQ of 160 or an IQ of 70

You have to accept yourself for who you are

You can change (improve), but how much can you change?

You are still human

So love yourself

It’s not easy

But learn to, it will help

Love yourself unconditionally my friend

Even if you feel small, hated, unwanted, love yourself

The more you fail

Love yourself that much more

For love is the cure to this disease called life

It is the solution to all your problems

Love yourself, my friend

And everything will fall into place.